Everything You Need To Know About Workplace Transformation

Ashley Mangtani
5 min readNov 28, 2021


What is Workplace Transformation?

In the digital age, it's more essential than ever that businesses begin to think of workplace change initiatives and use them as a catalyst for positive transformation. Dynamic working models are being adopted by businesses across the globe who want to capitalize on business performance initiatives.

Workplace transformation and the changing nature of work means that the opportunity to bring about a massive shift in operational mindsets has never been bigger. It opens up the door for revolutionary upheaval and enhancement that will carry businesses firmly into the future.

Workplace Transformation Post Covid

The workplace seemingly transformed overnight after the pandemic hit and accelerated digital transformation across all sectors of business. The pandemic has helped to loosen regulations and red tape, allowing employees to take an autonomous lead.

AI, robotics, and automation technology have all benefited from the pandemic in ways that have shocked us all. There is a sense of post-pandemic optimism shared by business leaders who recognize some of the benefits the changes have brought. However, COVID has negatively impacted the jobs market and some workers are worried about the impact of automation on their livelihoods.

Workplace Transformation Jobs

Workplace transformation takes place in many different forms and businesses have started to dedicate personnel to oversee transformation initiatives from start to finish. Having a team devoted to transformation allows organizations to measure success and implement new policies and procedures based on their findings.

It’s now more popular than ever to have a team attached to transformation projects which can last months and even years. It’s a role that’s high in demand as more and more businesses seek to invest in long-term transformation strategies.

Workplace Transformation Trends

Most businesses want their employees to be highly productive and generate measurable value. Working habits are changing quickly with organizations across the globe now seeing the value in bringing people closer and tightening company culture.

Remote working is now the new normal, not only does it save companies valuable office space, it allows employees to work comfortably and autonomously. A massive 74% of companies plan to shift their operations online and switch to remote working strategies post-COVID.

Cloud adoption has also seen a stark rise in popularity as businesses adopt cloud office suites. This new way of working has allowed businesses to build upon existing strategies as the workplace becomes more flexible.

Workplace Transformation In The Digital Age

The changing nature of work and skills in the digital age demonstrates the enormous impact of technology on the labor market. The advent of modern digital technology has changed working habits forever. Jobs that require a mixture of non-cognitive and digital skills tend to be higher paid which provides incentives for employees to start outsourcing work.

Platform work is also on the rise and along with other atypical forms of work has shown that digital transformation can offer new and exciting opportunities for growing businesses. Without factoring in technological change, many other facets form the evolution of the employment landscape. Economic structures and labor market institutions are perfect examples of non-technological change.

Workplace Transformation Examples


Zipcar is a huge player in the ride-sharing industry. They moved away from their traditional workspace to form an innovative mobile working strategy. The founders altered the organization’s working habits to reflect modern digital society. Zipcar was able to create an agile working environment that allowed its employees to work remotely and on the go.


The auditing firm KPMG is another great example of workplace transformation in action. KPMG knew the importance of appealing to a millennial workforce. Mentoring programs along with transparent communications policies allowed them to focus on the long-term development of their young workers which creates long-term value and benefits.

Workplace Transformation Initiatives

Upgrading IT systems, transforming business processes, and stacking talent benches are just some of the workplace transformation initiatives you should be including in your overall transformation strategy.

According to Gartner, the greatest source of competitive advantage for 30% of organizations will come from the workforce’s ability to creatively exploit digital technologies.

Vision and strategy play the most important roles in workplace transformation initiatives and allow businesses to understand what motivates employees to produce quality work. Establishing a digital blueprint that corresponds to all workplace initiatives across the board and is a sure-fire way of harmonizing the workforce.

Technology Tools That Are Transforming The Workplace

The Cloud

Cloud computing has revolutionized the data storage market and now securely stores and encrypts your data online rather than on a physical storage drive. Most of the technology that businesses and consumers rely on today utilizes the cloud. More and more businesses are choosing to elevate their cybersecurity by implementing and aligning organizational systems that use the cloud instead of traditional hard data drives.

Workplace Solutions With Digital Security In Mind

Working virtually to transform the mobile workplace has put more pressure on businesses to secure their digital data. Over $6 trillion was lost in the global economy to cyberattacks in 2021. It’s a growing concern for a lot of businesses that rely on outsourced cloud-based storage for their day-to-day activities. Opting for secure systems when implementing new business communication technology is a must.

Immersive Team Apps

Virtual assistants have helped companies to increase their productivity tenfold in the last five years. Gartner predicts that by the end of 2021, over 25% of the workforce will have integrated virtual assistants. As businesses move towards more autonomous working strategies, intuitive virtual assistants and immersive team apps will be able to problem-solve in real-time. This allows for employees to focus on other important areas of their role which increases productivity.

Secure Group Managing Systems

Digital communication suites are essential to workplace transformation. They allow for secure channels to be set up and are a key component of a well-established digital strategy. Being able to link employees who are spread out globally is essential for effective operational communication.


Workplace transformation has been proven to empower and motivate employees to work more efficiently. Increased productivity and morale have a direct effect on the continued success of a business.

To be competitive in today’s digital world, organizations are seeking to bridge the gap between vastly different working cultures. Workplace transformation is paving the way for a digital future that puts freedom at its core. Autonomous and remote working communities are already widespread and are expected to rise to a huge 37% in the next three years.

Disclaimer: This article was originally written for the Walk.Me Glossary.



Ashley Mangtani

SEO & Technical Copywriter specializing in B2B, SaaS, & Digital Transformation. Currently writing for WalkMe.